Ipsos Newsletter – Additional $1.00 Payout in January

Hello Affiliates,

Welcome to the Ipsos i-Say affiliate newsletter. I can't believe the holiday shopping season is already behind us and winter is in full swing, and it seems like only yesterday we issued our November affiliate bonuses.

Over the past months we've had affiliates routinely benefit from our different bonus offers, and because winter is one of the best times of year to promote surveys, during January Ipsos is offering another bonus achievable by all affiliates.

Ipsos Affiliate Bonus

Beginning on January 15th and ending on January 31st, 2012, commission rates will be bumped up by $1.00 per lead, this applies to all affiliates. And those affiliates who are not yet active can benefit from this bonus as much as the experienced Ipsos affiliates. So start promoting Ipsos now to earn more this month.

Ipsos Monthly Draw

Affiliates, are you using the Ipsos Monthly Draw in your advertising? If you aren’t, you are missing out on a great opportunity to promote the Ipsos affiliate program. For example, for the month of January we are offering i-Say survey panelists the chance to win a Sunny Getaway valued at $1000. Now that is one great offer that should be very easy to promote this time on year. You can get the Monthly Draw creative by logging into your affiliate account.

Here’s how it works.

Any new i-Say member, who completes the “Getting to Know You” survey and remains an active member, will be automatically entered into this contest.


